9 Easy DIY Jewelry Crafts for Tweens and Teens
Young girls are forever searching for something to do. DIY jewelry crafts for tweens to the rescue. Hearing the dreaded..."I'm bored" ranks right up there on this mom's annoying scale …
Young girls are forever searching for something to do. DIY jewelry crafts for tweens to the rescue. Hearing the dreaded..."I'm bored" ranks right up there on this mom's annoying scale …
If you're a cheer mom, you're probably already thinking of gift ideas for your cheerleader. If it's birthday gifts for cheerleaders, holiday time, or another special occasion you're sure to …
This year I'm a proud new cheer mom who could use all the tips I can get. Since I figured this might be new territory for some of you, here …
Teens and chores...seems like an oxymoron I know but hang on. I'm going to take you through what we did this summer and how this one tweak of our system …
With their moods changing faster than the trends, who can keep up? No longer a tween, but only just starting the teen years. I considered writing a post for just …
While we can all agree that exercise for teens and tweens is important, exercise and physical activity seem to be decreasing more and more. From getting lost in front of …
Keeping our teens properly hydrated is an important factor in their overall health and well-being. I'd be willing to bet most of us underestimate how much proper hydration affects …
Does your teenager have trouble winding down at night? Are they constantly feeling stressed out? If so, they're not alone. A lot of kids feel this way these days. Luckily, …
*Original publication, February 2019, updated January 2022. Is your teenager getting enough sleep? How about your tween? Are they being difficult? Are they struggling in school? What about headaches? Do they …
Looking for great work from home ideas for moms? Call it a side hustle, an additional income stream, or just plain extra cash. Maybe you want to work from home …
Making smoothies for picky eaters is a great way to help them balance their diet, help them feel satisfyingly full, and maybe even gain weight (if they need to). Picky …
**Updated January 21, 2022 Incorporate these chores for tweens as a great way to teach them responsibility, and important life skills and take some of that housework off your plate. …
Getting your kids to do chores can be a pain sometimes but unless you want to be the one doing everything all the time it's a great routine to get …
Maybe you're a regular reader, maybe not. But in case you missed them, here are the most loved tween posts from 2022
Being recently separated from your spouse isn't easy. But it doesn't have to be the end of the world. In fact, it's just the beginning. Sometimes that means a focus …
Do you ever feel like your period can never be predicted? The sudden leakages, cramping, and general feeling of discomfort can make you feel like you can never be ready. …
Making your daughter a cool birthday party with a trendy theme doesn't have to cost a fortune. You can find birthday party themes for tween girls that are reasonable. Dollar …
I've found some of the coolest subscription boxes for tween girls! I don't believe you can go wrong with one of these. Don't think they're only for tweens because any …
If you're looking to focus on healthy school lunches for picky eaters, then I'm sorry this isn't the post for you. It's also not about cute shapes and other sneaky …
It's a new school year and time to get supplies ready. Middle school lockers are just one of the new and exciting changes that happen in junior high Not only …
Ahh, tweens and puberty. Fun times. Cue the eye rolls and sarcasm. So many changes for everyone involved. It's confusing and exciting all at the same time. So why …
Finding ways to connect with your tween when puberty emotions are running high and your fuse is running low makes it easy to get off track with the relationship we …
**Originally published 2018, updated: January 2022** Help, tween attitude is a problem in my house! Tween years are no joke. We've all been there. You're all having fun, out of …
This article will give you some of THE best resources on how to succeed in high school and prep for college. Use these high school success tips to skyrocket and …
Puberty is a confusing time for tweens and their parents. Everyone is filled with emotions of changing times...and hormones. Understanding what's happening to their bodies and their minds helps tweens …
Whether it's the end of the school year or the beginning, the kids will want to keep in touch with some of their friends. What better way to be able …
Welcome to Day 8 of 30 Days of Printables. Yesterday's new printable was to help keep you from forgetting when to pay a bill. Current subscribers can also find it in …
It's the first tween middle school dance... are you ready? I remember when we found out we were having a girl. My husband who doesn't scare easily didn't speak for …
Has your tween been bugging you to babysit? Or maybe just bugging you for money. Do you think your tween is ready to babysit? If you already know the answer …
Is your teen constantly bugging you for cash? Whether they're starting to look for a summer job or maybe they're ready to handle it during the school year they always …
Buying gifts for tween girls can be difficult, but it doesn't have to be. By this age, most kids are into some type of activity or have a strong interest …
Times have changed since I wrote this post 5 years ago. It used to be the "norm" that girls started shaving as soon as they hit middle school. Sometimes sooner …
It's hard to believe teens will ever think they're too old for trick or treat, some never do. But if you're looking for Halloween ideas for teens that go beyond …
Buying presents for teen boys can be difficult, but it doesn't have to be. Past the point of toys and mundane stuff. Yet not quite adults. Cash is still king, …
Buying gifts for tween boys can be difficult, but it doesn't have to be. By this age, most kids are into some type of activity or have a strong interest …
***UPDATED August 2nd, 2019*** Every year I keep adding to this back to school roundup post to include more tips, tricks and ideas all of us moms need to make …
If you grew up in the '70s or '80s I'd bet you read Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret? I can also guarantee upon hearing the name of the …
**Originally published in July 2017, this post was last updated on January 14, 2022. A period survival kit or first-period kit is a must-have for tween and teen girls before …
Here are my best tools and hacks for busy moms. So here's the question I get asked more than anything. “How do you do it all? You take care of …
When I was younger I always went for regular checkups. Then for a few years while being a full-time caregiver to my grandmother and raising three kids I began putting …