Welcome to Day 22 of 30 Days of Printables.
Yesterday's new printable was a Vacation Brainstorming Printable.
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Today's all-new FREE printable is a Vacation Rental Checklist.
You're going on vacation. How well the place you stay is equipped can make a huge difference in the enjoyment of your vacation and the ease of packing.
The more they have of what you need the less you need to bring. Last year we stayed at an amazing lake house rental.
It had everything in the kitchen we needed.
Linens and laundry supplies were there too!
No lugging life jackets, no kayaks. No beach chairs...it was all taken care of.
With 6 people and a dog...the less to pack the better.
Today's printable will help you make a list of the things you need to check on at your next rental.
Get today's Vacation Rental Checklist ...by clicking on the image below...
To make it easy peasy for you...here's a list of the other new printables by day...
Day 1...30-Day Challenge Conquer It Grid
Day 2...Mother's Day Wish List
Day 3...To-Do Lists
Day 4...Weekly Menu Planners
Day 5...Chore Charts
Day 6...Grocery Lists
Day 7...Bill Reminder
Day 8...Teen Job Interview Checklist
Day 9...Teen Job Search Tracker
Day 10...Teen Job Interview Practice Questions
Day 11...Party Planning Checklist
Day 12...Party Menu
Day 13...Party Guest List Tracker
Day 14...Date Night Planning Checklist
Day 15...Declutter Checklist
Day 16...Yard Sale Planning Checklist
Day 17...Spring Cleaning Checklist
Day 18...Project Planner
Day 19...Staycation Brainstorming Sheet
Day 20...Staycation Bucket List
Day 21...Vacation Brainstorming Sheet
See you tomorrow for Day 23 of the 30 Days of Printables for another printable to go along with the Vacation printable theme.
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