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29 Clever Promposal Responses and HoCo Invites - Say Yes, Today!

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For all the fun ways teens are asking dates to the prom and homecoming, there are just as many creative promposal responses.

Use one of these ideas to give your date an answer to Spring Fling, HoCo, Winter Formal or Sadie Hawkins Dances too.

29 Fun Ideas for Promposal Responses

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Answering a Promposal

Reply to a promposal with an answer as soon as possible. Don't make them wait around wondering. This gives someone a chance to ask someone else if you turn them down.

When to Say No to a Promposal

  • You absolutely are not going with anyone because you don't want to attend the dance.
  • You already have another date.
  • You go to different schools and your prom is on the same day.
  • You have other plans and won't be attending at all.
  • You don't need a reason to say no to someone. Let's normalize "no" as okay.

How to Say No to a Promposal

No one likes to hear no in response to being asked out. But you can deliver the news with kindness. Just remember to:

  • Be respectful.
  • Be direct.
  • Be kind.
  • Be honest (don't say "We can go out another time" if you don't mean it.)

When in doubt, here are some suggestions:

  • "I'm flattered that you asked, but ..."
  • "I would go with you, but ..."
  • "It was sweet of you to ask, however ..."
  • "No, thank you"

Saying Yes to A Promposal

You don't have to answer with a poster or other presentation but it can be fun.

You can also consider a promposal response idea using the same theme as the promposal poster invite - if there was one. If not, try and think of something that your date is interested in.

  • Food
  • Movies
  • Music
  • Sports
  • Hobbies

Now what you've been waiting for, let's check out some fabulous ideas for responding to a promposal.

Proposal Response Ideas Using Food

Everyone loves food. It'll be fun to share one of these goodies with your prom date.

basket of cookies decorated with various positive, yes statements in response to a promposal
Image Source: Pinterest
It's about time i o'fish-ally say yes
Image Source: Pinterest
sign - knock, knock who's there.  Orange, orange who? Sign 2 orange yah glad this cutie says yes to prom orange candy and  cutie mandarin oranges as props
Image Source: Pinterest
couch potato yes promposal response
Image Source: Pinterest
 promposal response
Image Source: Pinterest
cereal - sly  promposal response
Image Source: Pinterest
bundt cake  promposal response
Image Source: Pinterest
Extra gum promposal response
Image Source: Pinterest
in and out burger promposal response
Image Source: Pinterest
cake promposal response
Image Source: Pinterest
sweet promposal response
Image Source: Pinterest
simply lemonade promposal response
Image Source: Pinterest
starburst promposal response
Image Source: Pinterest

Promposal Responses for Sports Themes

Match your promposal answer to their prom invitation poster. Athletes and sports fans will appreciate the clever puns to tie into the sport they play or love to watch.

basketball promposal response
Image Source: Pinterest
foodball  promposal response hoco
Image Source: Pinterest

Animal Themed Promposal Responses

Okay, so they aren't all animals but you get the idea. Use animal puns or your actual pet to reply to your date.

swedish fish, beta fish promposal response
Image Source: Pinterest
frog promposal response
Image Source: Pinterest
lucky duck promposal response
Image Source: Pinterest
gecko promposal response
Image Source: Pinterest

Just Say Yes! Promposal Responses

These unique responses can be used for homecoming dance replies or promposal answers.

promposal responses
Image Source: Pinterest
promposal responses
Image Source: Pinterest
promposal responses
Image Source: Pinterest
promposal responses
Image Source: Pinterest
promposal responses
Image Source: Pinterest
promposal responses
Image Source: Pinterest
promposal responses
Image Source: Pinterest
promposal responses
Image Source: Pinterest
promposal responses
Image Source: Pinterest

The Promposal Response They Have to Work For

With a little creativity, these types of promposal responses are fun to use with:

promposal responses
Image Source: Pinterest

Hope you enjoyed these promposal responses to send in reply to your hoco invite or promposal.

Which one is your favorite? Let me know in the comments below?


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Saturday 5th of October 2024

My favorite is the Bubblegum one how can I get that printable?

Laurie O'Rourke

Wednesday 16th of October 2024

Hi Stephanie,

Glad you like the promposal / hoco idea, they're just for ideas, I don't have any printables for these, but what a great idea!! I may have to create some.

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