***UPDATED August 2nd, 2019***
Every year I keep adding to this back to school roundup post to include more tips, tricks and ideas all of us moms need to make back to school or just school in general easier.
If you haven't read this article yet, head on over to Parenting Highschoolers where Mel writes about talking life with her teenage boys. With no roadmap to follow they managed their way. Now she's published a book to help you with those conversations.
So last year (2017)I wrote the following post and used a bunch of links to other bloggers to give you some of my favorite back to school ideas.
This year (2018) I decided to add my own school ideas to the roundup...so you get not only 5 great ideas listed further on, but links to 5 of my own posts for back to school.
For ideas to create a d.i.y. emergency/essentials locker kit check out this post.
Though written for a middle school girl, it could be tailored for boys or teens depending on your needs. It could even make a great addition to your office or car.
How to Create a Middle School Locker Kit
Picky eaters come in all ages and it's no less frustrating regardless their age.
School Lunches for Picky Eaters
Everyone wants their child to succeed in school and life, check out this post for some awesome resources to help you do just that.
These tools are so good and not just for high school students.
Middle schoolers and college students can benefit too.
How to Succeed in High School and Prep for College
Meeting new friends and reconnecting with old ones can be great.
Not every tween has a cell phone to program contacts straight in so here's a printable for collecting those numbers.
Straight up, instant download nothing required. Click on the image below.
After all this new excitement they will surely start the new tradition of boy-girl dances...don't worry...I got you covered there too.
Read this one and breathe a sigh of relief...at least for a little bit.
Is Your Tween Ready for a Boy-Girl Dance

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*********from 2017********
As I started to come up with some ideas for getting your tween or teen back to school I read some really great ideas on Pinterest.
So I decided rather than just rehash the same ideas I would put together a round-up of my 5 favorite back to school posts.
And one of my own ideas further on.
For Getting Back Into the Routine

Hilary at Pulling Curls is a girl after my own heart. I loooove systems.
Our family thrives on them so much, it's obvious when we fall off that wagon because things go off the rails like at the carnival when the plate spinner drops one plate and they all crash.
Read her post on The Importance of Systems HERE
Kristi over at The Classy Chapter has guest post blogger Raki Wright, from Outside the Box Mom. This has some easy to implement actionable tips for getting you and your tween prepared for the new school year.
For Decorating Your Locker
This is the first time my daughter will have a locker. I remember decorating my locker in high school. But that was way before the time there was a market for cool accessories.
Pretty sure I had a mirror and an assortment of words and pictures cut out of Teen Magazine. Think Kirk Cameron and Rob Lowe surrounded by words like So Cute...Fun...and Kiss Me.
Now Rob Lowe does ads for freakin' Sketchers.
These days locker decor is a whole new level of crazy.
A niche market from simple to over the top.
Everything from coordinating accessories to wallpaper and chandeliers.
Are you kidding?
Middle school is a breeding ground for competition and diva's in the making as it is...do we really need to add to it.
Let's keep it reeled in a bit.... like for sure.
I like the ideas Heather put together over at A Passion for Savings.
Her ideas for locker organization are cute, simple, DIY's that don't break the bank.
For Lunch Ideas
While my sons prefer school lunches, my daughter, not so much.
Same old lunches aren't enjoyable. It's easy to fall into a rut.
So many ideas on Pinterest, but my favorite is from Kim at The Kim Six Fix.
Not only does it have variety, but it offers a system for both mom and kids that works for everyone.
Kids learn independence and get a well-rounded enjoyable lunch.
She saves herself both time and money.
Since the kids make the lunches they are less likely to throw things away or make trades.
Everybody wins.
You can read Kim's post HERE.
Even if you're kids do make their own lunch.
You can usually find a moment to slip a note inside to brighten their day.
I made these 30 cute printable lunch notes.
My tweens helped me make them so they can't be too lame 😉
If They Struggle in School

The subjects get harder, the workload heavier.
And we all need some encouragement now and then.
Some more than others.
Shelley from A Woman in Her Prime wrote a post on these basic messages can help keep kids from letting a season of difficulty turn into a recurring inner voice that plays over and over, often for a lifetime.
Get more fun free printables for your tweens and teens.

If you've got a tween or teen girl try these:
DIY Emergency Period To-Go Kit
Cool Birthday Party Themes for Tween Girls
Ideas to Help Your Tween Relax
How to Make an Amazing First Period Survival Kit
Got a great back to school post or tip? Link to it in the comments.
This post contains affiliate links. I will earn a commission at no additional charge to you if you make a purchase using my links. Click here to see my full disclosure policy.
Saturday 4th of July 2020
Thanks for sharing my book! I love your post. Will put some of these ideas in my back pocket!
Laurie O'Rourke
Tuesday 21st of July 2020
You're welcome, Mel! Hope everything's going well. Thanks for commenting.
Abbi | Successful Freelance Mom
Wednesday 16th of August 2017
I just have to say that the Kirk Cameron and Rob Lowe posters made me laugh out loud!! My whole ROOM was filled with those pull-out posters from Tiger Beat. ? Yeah, I was THAT cool.
Laurie O'Rourke
Wednesday 16th of August 2017
I know right. Taping them up while we listened to Madonna and Bryan Adams that we recorded off the radio...with the first part missing as we scrambled for the start button...good times
Tuesday 15th of August 2017
Awh, thanks for the link!
Laurie O'Rourke
Tuesday 15th of August 2017
You're welcome. Was just heading over to let you know...I was cross-eyed at midnight finishing up the post ;) Thanks for coming by.